Campus Landmark Tour: Walking to Reflect on African-American History

The University of Maryland is offering an African-American History and the University of Maryland: A Campus Landmark Tour.  The self-guided walking tour of the campus commissioned by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion highlights landmarks associated with the impact of African Americans at the university and throughout history.  

The landing page for the tour notes, "From its antebellum founding through the present day, Terp life has been shaped by more than just those who wrote the official version of history. There was a time when students and visitors of color were outsiders here, but through the sacrifices of earlier pioneers—reflected in our campus fabric—each brick and blade of glass belongs to them as well."

The materials used in developing the tour and related website were drawn from campus reports and the university libraries and archives.

Consider leaving a note and link in the comment section below this post if you know of other campus walking tours.


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