History of Cottey College Featured in Series of Articles

BuffaloReflex.com published a couple of interesting articles as part of a series by Paul Johns exploring the history of Cottey College.  The first, "Alice Cottey and her women's college in the MOzarks," was published May 14, 2018 and provides background information on Alice Cottey and how she decided to start an educational institution in Nevada, MO.  

"The saga of Cottey College of Nevada, MO," followed two days later on May 16, 2018 and offers a number of incidents in the early history of the institution.
I will update this post when additional articles in the series are published.  In the interim, you can review several earlier College History Garden posts on Cottey College:

  • Cottey College (MO) from July 15, 2011, links to a dissertation written by Mary Rhodes, "Dried flowers : the history of women's culture at Cottey College, 1884-1965," that was submitted to the Graduate School of The Ohio State University in 1981.

  • Missouri Colleges and Universities in 1895 from February 14, 2014 that offers a snapshot of Cottey College and 37 other higher education institutions operating in Missouri at the end of the 19th century.

  • Women's Fraternity History from August 19, 2012 links to a post by Fran Becque on Cottey's history on her Focus on Fraternity History blog.

Or, you can visit the Cottey College website to learn more about the institution.


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