Augustus Storrs Hall...Honoring an Important Person at the University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut Archives and Special Collections maintains an interesting blog.  One of their posts from earlier this year caught my attention this morning.  The "Augustus Storrs Hall" post with the building honoring the person who donated land for an agricultural college in 1880. Augustus Storrs Hall was built in 1906 and was the first brick building on campus. It was initially a men’s dormitory with 66 two-man rooms but within two years each room held three students. In 1952 it was renovated for offices and classrooms. It is now home to the School of Nursing.

UConn was founded as Storrs Agricultural School in 1881. The name changed to Storrs Agricultural College 1893, to Connecticut Agricultural College in 1899, to Connecticut State College in 1933, and finally to the University of Connecticut in 1939.

A sampling of other more recent posts includes: "Brien McMahon Hall" and "Alfred Gordon Gulley Hall."

College and university archives are a great source of ideas and information for those researching history of institutions. A number also actively post images and links to historical information. I maintain a Twitter list, "Archives and Spec Coll," for those who might be interested and will enjoy any suggestions if you know of archives or special collections with Twitter accounts. It only takes a few minutes to scan recent posts using the list.


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