Ball State University Celebrates Centennial

Ball State University is celebrating the centennial anniversary of its founding.  The 100th anniversary web pages offer links to a variety of resources including a short video, "From Normal to Extraordinary," an updated centennial history, and links to various planned events.
Frank C. Ball and his brothers purchased the land and buildings that previously served as Muncie Normal Institute and later, Muncie National Institute, two of several attempts to provide higher education in the city in the late 1800's and early 1900's. They donated the property to the state of Indiana which then opened the Indiana State Normal School Eastern Division in 1918.

In recognition of the Ball family’s generosity, the Indiana General Assembly changed the school's name to Ball Teachers College in 1922, then Ball State Teachers College in 1929, and to Ball State University in 1965.

You should also consider visiting the university's Archives & Special Collections web page for links to an amazing array of digital resources and research guides.


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