Baptist Theological Seminary Announces Closure in 2019

The Trustees of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond announced on November 13, 2018 that it will be closing at the end of the academic year in June 2019.

Baptist News Global posted an excellent article by Bob Allen, "Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond to close in 2019."
Allen provides a brief history of the institution since its founding in 1991 and places the seminary's decision within the context of pressures faced by other seminaries.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch published an article almost six years ago on January 19, 2013, "Private K-12 school to buy seminary property in North Richmond," as the seminary worked to reduce fixed costs.

If you are interested in recent trends for closures, mergers,and acquisitions access College Closures since 2009 in the index at the right of any College History Garden page. There are separate tabs for non-profit closures, for-profit closures, and one for mergers and acquisitions. Each tab includes basic information for the institutions, i.e., Carnegie Classification, sector, accrediting agency, and the IPEDS unitid.


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