Fascinating History...University of Maryland University College

The University of Maryland's Special Collections and University Archives posted, "UMD’s Untold History," to its Delve Deeper into History blog on November 13, 2018.

The post provides an historical sketch of the University of Maryland University College (UMUC), now headquartered in Adelphi, MD, that was founded as the College of Special and Continuation Studies, or CSCS, within the University of Maryland's College of Education in 1947.  It separated from the College of Education in 1949, becoming a new college within the University of Maryland.  Then in 1957 it became a separate degree-granting college of the University of Maryland.  The name was changed in 1959 to University College.  Finally, in 1970, UMUC incorporated as University of Maryland University College independent of University of Maryland, College Park.
You can also visit the institution's website for a page providing the UMUC History and Timeline.  The founding mission was to serve students for whom the College Park campus was not a viable option.  This included veterans returning from World War II and UMUC ultimately evolved to offer classes across Maryland. 

In 1949, UMUC became the first institution to send a team overseas to teach college classes to active-duty service members.  The institution expanded the number of overseas sites and later became a leader in distance learning and online courses.
Maryland Public Television offers a 26-minute documentary, "Over There: The Adventures of Maryland's Traveling Faculty," with faculty stories and adventures.


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